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Phone call away!

Property Repossession Services

Private Sector Evictions

Lease Notices

Right of Entry

Tribunal Applications

Tribunal Attendance

After Care Service

How we can help

For every problematic tenancy, you may be haemorrhaging cash. At Redbox we offer an eviction service that is designed to prevent you from losing more money. Our services are unique to Scotland, advising Landlords on the complex Laws and procedures surrounding the evicting of your tenants.

It is important to know that the cost implications of getting the eviction process wrong can be significant and the process can be daunting and very lengthy. Collating all the relevant information and ensuring that all the correct documentation and notices are in place can be tiresome, tedious and time consuming. Where papers and notices have not been served correctly it could lead to you going back and restarting the processes all over again. Therefore, in every case, we recommend Landlords instruct someone who can ensure the legal notices and any Tribunal action that is required is exactly right.

Most landlords will be aware that in today’s private letting market, more rights are offered to the tenants and whilst it is correct that tenants are treated fairly.

Redbox work closely with our Landlords to ensure that the Terms and conditions of their lease agreements are being adhered to and their best interests are our prime concern.

At Redbox  you can rely on our experienced team to manage the eviction process on your behalf, ensuring our best attention, results and saving you money!


Our approach to fees

Redbox offer fixed fee packages for lease notices, tribunal actions, and arrears recovery. 

No eviction is straight forward and each will have its own constraints. If it’s not possible to offer a fixed fee due to the complexity of your case, we will provide a clear indication of the  fee based on agreed scope of work.

Anyone seeking advice or a quotation on this process, Redbox would invite you to make use of our service by phoning and booking a Free consultation on 0300 303 4839.

Red Box